Hollyfield Pre-School Nursery Ltd
Mission Statement
Hollyfield Pre School Nursery’s goal is to provide a happy, safe, secure and stimulating indoor and outdoor environment where everybody’s ideas, experiences and individualities are valued. Together we will share the excitement of learning through exploring, communicating and meeting new challenges that are relevant and have interest to us. We educate the WHOLE CHILD and embrace a CAN DO ethos. We want to enable the children to grow as self-confident, well-balanced people of the world. Click here to view our recent term dates
Hollyfield Nursery Prospectus
Please click on the link below to view our prospectus. If you would like to register your child for a place at Hollyfield Nursery please print out the registration form on the last page and send to the given address. Hollyfield Nursery Prospectus – Click here
How To Contact Us
Lydia Enefer on: 0121 311 2920 Email: hollyfieldnursery@lineone.net Hollyfield Pre-School Nursery Ltd, Hollyfield Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. B75 7SG